with texture, stone invites light and shadow into play
1. Boasting
Boasting is the texture typically created by a 50mm flat chisel, struck 3-5mm apart, in a parallel pattern across a whole stone face. In times past it was typically used to ‘finish’ a flat face by hand. Also called ‘battening’ or ‘flat chisel’.
The boasting project below required an estimated 1.3 million chisel strikes.

Below is an example of historic crisscross boasting and the different boasting textures created by different artisans.

2. Picking
Picking creates a sparrow like beak texture. The images below show the:–tight Sparrow-Peck–deeper Sparrow-Peck and the–Convict Pick, which is a looser, less regular Sparrow-Peck.

3. Split/Pick Face Mix
The textures below could be categorised as ‘flat’. Flat textures are complementary to modern minimalist forms.
4. Rock Face
Rock-Face is the most economically crafted of traditional textures – the chisel strikes only around the edges of the face. Rock-Face has popularity. The finished shape is analogous to a ‘squashed pillow’.